We asked men aged 18-24 in Orlando, FL and Atlanta, GA if they would know how to hire a lawyer if they had to. By an overwhelming majority (70% vs 30%), “Absolutely not” beat “Yes, of course.”

Which is both not surprising (many events requiring legal support happen later in life) and terrifying. Have you seen all the crime in crypto?!

Given this, we thought it might be helpful to lay out a few things.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll cover what to expect, what to look for, and best practices when hiring a lawyer. Ready? Let’s do this!

Why It Matters

Navigating the complex legal system can be scary, but having the right lawyer by your side can make all the difference. Whether you’re facing a personal injury claim, a family dispute, or a business matter, knowing how to hire the right attorney is a crucial first step.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the five essential steps to ensure you make an informed choice. Each step is meant to help you find the right lawyer for your situation.

Before you do anything, it’s important to have a clear picture of your specific legal needs. Legal issues span a broad spectrum, from family disputes and personal injury claims to business contracts and criminal matters. Defining your requirements is the critical first step in the process of finding the right attorney.

Start by asking yourself what type of legal help you need. Are you dealing with a crypto exchange, bankruptcy, theft or hack, or business dispute? Perhaps you need help with investment fraud or want to start or join a class action.

The more specific you can be in defining your issue, the easier it will be to find an attorney with the expertise and experience relevant to your case.

Take some you time and think about what’s happening with your legal issue, what you want to achieve, and any problems you expect. By doing this, you’ll make it easier to find the right lawyer who can help you with your case.

Step 2: Research Potential Lawyers

With a clear understanding of your legal needs, next you’ll want to do some research. Don’t worry, there’s no exam!

Start by asking for recommendations from trusted sources, like friends, family, colleagues, or other professionals who have experience with lawyers in your area of need. Personal referrals can often provide valuable insights into the reputations and track records of attorneys.

Get online! Legal directories (like this one!), review platforms, and local bar associations can help you find lawyers who specialize in your specific legal area and work in your geographical area.

Check out online reviews and testimonials from previous clients. These can offer candid perspectives on a lawyer’s communication, professionalism, and success in handling cases similar to yours.

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential lawyers, visit their websites and review their profiles. Look for information about their practice areas, experience, education, and any notable case results. Take note of qualifications that align with your legal needs.

By diligently researching potential lawyers, you’ll be better equipped to narrow down your options and identify attorneys who are well-suited to handle your specific case or legal matter. This informed approach is a crucial step toward securing effective legal representation.

Step 3: Verify Credentials and Experience

Just like you wouldn’t go to a dentist who doesn’t have the proper dental training, the same goes for lawyers and their law degrees. So, before you decide to hire a lawyer, it’s a good idea to check if they have the right qualifications. There are some important things to look for.

First, make sure they have a license to practice law in your state. Check with your state’s bar association to do this.

Next, find out where they went to law school and if they have any extra certifications or special training. This will give you an idea of their educational background.

Take a look at their experience. How long have they been practicing law? Do they have a history of handling cases similar to yours?

Learn what you can about past cases and the outcomes, especially if they’ve worked on cases like yours. Online reviews from clients and/or other lawyers are a good spot to look for clues. If you see good reviews, it’s a good sign.

Consider lawyers who focus on the specific area of law that matches your needs. They often have more expertise in that field.

Check if they belong to any professional legal groups or organizations related to their area of practice. Being part of these groups can mean they’re committed to doing a good job.

By taking the time to check these things, you’ll be able to choose a lawyer who’s well-qualified and has a good track record.

Step 4: Schedule Consultations

Next you’ll want to meet with a lawyer or two. Many offer free initial consultations (initial meetings), which are a great way to see if they’re a good fit for your legal needs.

Before the meeting, make a list of questions about your case, how they plan to help you, how much it will cost, and what you can expect.

Ask them about their plan for your case. A good lawyer should be able to explain their strategy and how they’ll handle your legal issues.

Think about whether you feel comfortable around the lawyer. It’s important to get along because you’ll be working closely together.

By meeting with potential lawyers, you’ll learn a lot about their qualifications, how they talk with you, and how they plan to handle your case. This step helps you make a smart choice and pick the lawyer who’s the best fit for your legal needs and what you expect.

Step 5: Discuss Fees and Payment Arrangements

Lastly, it’s important to have an open and transparent discussion about fees and payment arrangements.

There could be a retainer. A retainer is money that’s paid upfront to hire a professional, such as a lawyer, consultant, or freelancer. It’s like a down payment or advance fee. If there is one, you’ll want to discuss the terms of a retainer agreement. This agreement outlines the scope of work, expected costs, and how funds will be managed.

Ask about any potential extra costs, such as court fees, expert witness fees, or administrative expenses. You might want to request a breakdown of anticipated fees, so you’ll know what you’ll be paying for.

If your budget is a concern, ask about payment plans or alternative billing arrangements. By addressing these financial aspects openly, you can ensure a clear and fair fee agreement that fits within your budget and helps you to move forward confidently with your chosen lawyer.


Hiring the right lawyer is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your legal matter. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve empowered yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to make an informed choice.

Start by defining your legal needs and researching potential lawyers who specialize in that area. Verify their credentials, experience, and track record to ensure you’re working with a qualified professional. Schedule consultations to assess compatibility and discuss essential details, including fees and payment arrangements.

Ultimately, picking the right lawyer means finding someone who knows your situation and has the right skills. By being thoughtful and doing your homework, you can select the lawyer who will support you the best during your legal journey.

If your legal journey is similar to others’, you may be eligibile to participate in a class action.

Categories: For Investors