Oh f*ck, you’ve never heard of OFAC? Don’t worry, we got you!

Intro to OFAC

The U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (or “OFAC”) is an agency within the U.S. Department of the Treasury. It is responsible for enforcing economic and trade sanctions imposed by the United States government. OFAC directs and authorizes monetary and international restrictions as per US international strategy and public safety goals.

Here’s what the agency says about itself: “The Office of Foreign Assets Control administers and enforces economic sanctions programs primarily against countries and groups of individuals, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers.”

OFAC’s Mission

OFAC’s main goal is to administer and enforce economic and trade sanctions in pursuit of U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives.

OFAC’s objectives include:

  • National Security: OFAC aims to protect the national security interests of the United States by using economic sanctions as a tool to address threats posed by specific countries, entities, and individuals.
  • Foreign Policy Objectives: The agency works to advance U.S. foreign policy goals by using sanctions to influence the behavior of targeted entities and governments, promoting human rights, preventing terrorism, and addressing other concerns.
  • Global Financial Integrity: OFAC plays a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity of the U.S. and international financial systems by enforcing sanctions that restrict the ability of targeted parties to access financial resources.
  • Compliance and Enforcement: OFAC is responsible for ensuring compliance with U.S. sanctions laws and regulations. The agency investigates and takes enforcement actions against individuals and entities found violating sanctions.

Overall, OFAC’s mission is to use targeted economic measures to achieve specific policy objectives, contributing to the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States.

Recent Actions

Failure to comply with OFAC regulations can result in severe penalties, including civil fines, criminal prosecution, and other legal consequences.

In April 2023, British American Tobacco paid $508 million (the largest non-bank settlement) to settle alleged U.S. sanctions violations.

In May 2023, OFAC “sanctioned four entities and one individual involved in obfuscated revenue generation and malicious cyber activities that support the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Government.”

The Lazarus Heist

If you’re interested in learning more about the DPRK’s cyber crimes and IT worker operations, check out The Lazarus Heist, a podcast by BBC News World Service!

Hosts and journalists Geoff White and Jean Lee share thoroughly researched information, interview eye witnesses, and weave a compelling story about state-sponsored cyber crime.


To ensure effective OFAC compliance, businesses and individuals may want to consider various factors.

Training and Awareness

Employees and individuals should understand their role in maintaining compliance and recognize potential red flags that may indicate prohibited transactions.

Ongoing Monitoring and Review

Ongoing monitoring of transactions, customer screening, and internal controls help identify and address any compliance gaps or issues promptly.


Seeking guidance from compliance professionals, legal experts, or consultants with expertise in OFAC regulations can provide valuable insights and ensure that businesses and individuals have the necessary knowledge and resources to maintain compliance.

Technology Solutions

Leveraging technology solutions, such as automated screening systems, can streamline compliance processes, reduce manual effort, and improve accuracy. Integrating such solutions into existing systems can enhance efficiency and effectiveness in complying with OFAC regulations.

Don’t Forget

Complying with OFAC regulations is critical for businesses and individuals operating in the international financial landscape.

OFAC regulations and sanctions programs are regularly updated and can impact various industries, including finance, banking, trade, shipping, and more.

It is important for individuals and businesses to stay informed about OFAC requirements and seek legal advice or consult with compliance professionals to ensure compliance with sanctions regulations and avoid potential penalties.

If this got you thinking about your digital asset investments, learn about the warning signs of investment fraud and how to keep yourself safe(r)!

As a reminder, this is intended for information purposes only and is not legal or financial advice.

FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, is another bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Learn more here!

Categories: For Investors